My decade: The Green pensioner


'I have 12 water butts, four compost bins, a vegetable plot and fruit trees. I won the Bromley Citizen Environment Award, and used the money to buy a wormery'



Elizabeth Greenwood, 74 "I was born in 1935 and lived through the second world war, so I'm used to being fairly economical. When I started my nurse training in the 50s, we received £2 a week, so you couldn't be very lavish. My husband was always interested in green issues. Even in the 70s we had a basic solar water system on the roof, and grew fruit and vegetables.

"Since retiring over 10 years ago, I have become more aware of climate change. I try to buy locally produced food. In my small garden I have 12 water butts, four compost bins, a vegetable plot and fruit trees. I won the Bromley Citizen Environment Award, and used the money to buy a wormery.

"I had to draw on my savings when I installed a photovoltaic system on my south-facing roof in 2007, although I got a 50% grant from the Energy Saving Trust. Compared with cruising around the world, it was a modest outlay and the family approved. I may not see a return on it for years, but I liked the idea of green energy."

cruise - pływać po morzach i oceanach, udawać się w rejs

draw on - czerpać z

lavish - rozrzutny

wormery - zbiornik do kompostowania odpadów domowych z wykorzystaniem robaków

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